Assessment Framework and Guidelines

Awarding Regulations and Guidelines

  1. The minimum pass mark for each piece of assessment is 50%. If a candidate fails to achieve this mark in any assessment, they will be given the option to resit, answering a different assignment or examination.
  2. The maximum number of attempts for any assessment is three - the first attempt and two resit opportunities, if needed. Resits are offered only when an assessment has been failed. The Assessment Board shall have the power to determine whether a candidate is required to repeat one or more pieces of assessed work. 
  3. Decisions as to which piece of assessed work needs to be retaken, where a choice exists, will be determined exclusively by the Assessment Board.  
  4. Candidates granted the right to retake an assessment must complete the retake at the next available opportunity. There is no automatic right to defer, a formal request is required, and a charge is made for deferrals, if granted.
  5. Where a candidate has achieved a passing mark in an assessment, they may not repeat that assessment with the objective of trying to increase the mark for that piece of work.  
  6. Where a candidate fails to pass the course after exhausting all resit opportunities, the Assessment Board shall have the power to recommend that the candidate be awarded a certificate of attendance.

Academic Malpractice

CLTI regards plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice, such as collusion and fabrication or falsification of results, as serious academic offences. 

All students have a responsibility to be aware of the policy and procedures, to understand the seriousness of academic malpractice and to take every reasonable step to ensure that academic malpractice does not occur. 

The Assessment Handbook should be read in conjunction with the CLTI policy below.

Appeals Procedure

If you wish to make a formal appeal, you may do so in respect of the final decision of an Assessment Board. This must be done within 20 working days of the receipt of final results for a qualification and be based on one of the following grounds:

1. That there exists, or existed, circumstances affecting the learner’s performance of which, for good reason, the Assessment Board may not have been made aware when the decision was taken and which might have had a material effect on the decision 

  • Learners who wish to appeal on such grounds must give credible and compelling reasons with supporting documentation explaining why this information was not made available prior to the decision being made. 

2. That there had been a material administrative error or procedural irregularity in the assessment process or in putting into effect the regulations for the programme of study of such a nature as to cause significant doubt as to whether the decision might have been different if the error or irregularity had not occurred.

  • Learners wishing to appeal on these grounds should present their appeal with evidence of the error or irregularity accompanying their claim. 

3. That there is evidence of prejudice or bias or lack of proper assessment on the part of one or more of the examiners.

  • Learners are not permitted to use these grounds simply because they are dissatisfied with their grade. Evidence of bias or lack of proper assessment must accompany their appeal. 

Should you wish to make an appeal, it is important that you read the full CLTI appeals policy below.

Assessment Framework

The assessment methods for a qualification are dependent upon the level, format and, sometimes jurisdiction of the programme studied.

The different methods of assessment are designed to offer learners the broadest possible opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the topics studied at whichever level they are studying.

Please read the Assessment Framework below for further information.


Mitigating circumstances

During your studies, you may suffer from an illness or misfortune that adversely affects your ability to complete an assessment, or that impacts on your results. If this is the case, you might be able to request that these circumstances are taken into account.  

CLTI defines mitigating circumstances as unforeseeable or unpreventable circumstances that could have or did have, a significant adverse effect on the academic performance of a learner. 
If you require further information or wish to apply to have a mitigating circumstance considered, please see the Mitigating Circumstances Policy below for further information.


Reasonable Adjustments

CLTI is committed to ensuring that all training does not discriminate against learners with a disability, and assessments are a fair test of an individual's knowledge and proficiency. 
If someone has a disability or learning difficulty, the usual format of training delivery or assessments may not be suitable and in certain circumstances adjustments may need to be made for them. 

This approach is intended to allow an individual to show their ability and knowledge without being disadvantaged by the training delivery method or the assessment format itself.

Please read the reasonable adjustments policy below.